Madison County NC Lions Clubs

madison County NC Lions clubs


Hot Springs Lions Club

The Hot Springs Lions Club sponsors vision screenings in the local school district on an annual basis and delivers meals provided by a local diner to community members in need including seniors. Club members have put together a room equipped with handicapped equipment for any community member who may need this type of equipment. The Hot Springs Lions club is proud to be the official founding sponsor of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library for the children of their community. If you live in the Hot Springs community, this club will welcome you as a volunteer!

2024-2025 Club President
Hot Springs, NC 28743
Phone: 828-712-1050



Mars Hill Lions Club

The Lions of Mars Hill Lions Club are always ready to serve the citizens of Madison County. Club members are available to volunteer for community-based programs addressing diabetes, childhood cancer, vision screenings, natural disaster aid, and assisting the hunger and shelter needs of the less fortunate.  If you live in the Mars Hill community, this club will welcome you as a volunteer!

2024-2025 Club President
Mars Hill NC 28754
Mobile: 828-380-0807