District 31L Lions Clubs of WNC


Dawson Hart, 2024-2025 District Governor


Lion Dawson first joined the West Hickory VIP Lions Club where he was a member for four years before transferring to the Long View Lions Club where he served as club president.

Lion Dawson is a past board member for the North Carolina Library for the Blind and Physically Handi-capped and Industries for the Blind. He currently sits on the Western NC Board of Directors that oversees the McCune Community, a District 31L project. He is proud to be a past president of this board. He completed the Regional Lions Learning Institute in March of 2017 and the Regional Lions Leadership Institute in September of 2021. Dawson has been awarded a William L. Woolard “Partner-in-Service.”

Lion Dawson’s wife Elizabeth “Liz” Hart is also an active member of the Long View Lions Club and of District 31L as a chairperson. Lion Dawson and Lion Liz reside in Granite Falls with their fur babies including his guide dog Bauer. They met at Camp Dogwood and will soon be celebrating their 9th wedding anniversary.

Lion Dawson has three married children, seven granddaughters, and one grandson.