Message from District Governor Dawson Hart:
Fellow Lions, I hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Here are some updates: The new dates for the district convention are March 14th and 15th at Camp Dogwood and registration forms are out. You can find a copy at the close of this newsletter. I hope you consider coming for a magical weekend of Lions and the Wizard of Oz.
Thanks to Past International Director Gwen White, we now have a new guest speaker for our district convention, Past International Director Nick Xinopolis of Indiana. We are seeking candidates for 2nd Vice District Governor to run for election at the District Convention to be held in March 2025. Please see the flyer within this newsletter and reach out for more information if interested. It is imperative that club presidents notify your Zone Chair and myself, your District Governor, so that we are aware and can welcome them immediately.
Multiple District 31, that is NC, has secured a $100,000 grant from Lions International for Western NC Disaster Relief. If you are interested in participating in a sub-committee, please contact me for information. Updates about the progress of the grant will be shared when available.
Peace Essay by Lion Kathleen of the Etowah Lions Club:
Before I got started on writing this essay I looked at what AI on the computer had to say about peace. It read: “Peace is a state of tranquility, security and harmony in absence of violence or conflict. It can a to a relationship characterised by respect, justice and goodwill.” This is a good summation of the definition but how can I put this into practice. The reason I joined Lions Club was to make the world a more peaceful place. But, I knew it had to begin with me. Respecting others was the first step. Listening to what others have to say without giving my opinion unless I am asked for it. Giving others the dignity they deserve without judgment. This does not mean I have to change my values or beliefs. It does mean I listen. Next comes justice. I will weigh my options of how I want to spend my time, treasure and talents to bring justice to others.
aWe certainly have had many opportunities in western North Carolina the last six weeks with the rain that Hurricane Helene brought to the area. The plight so many faced without electricity, phone or internet service and water for days or weeks was difficult for so many people in these mountains. I saw first hand how everyone was so willing to help their neighbors with food, clothing, cleaning products and baby things. It was a good time to clean through the closet, chose some of the good items and put them in a bag with the size and gender of the items on the outside of the bag. It was also a great opportunity to share some money for items and supplies others need that we can’t provide. Finally, goodwill. The Lions are a wonderful place to share goodwill. Having a positive attitude in all that we do. Inviting and including others in the projects which we are involved. Giving people positive feedback on what they have done and recognize them for their contribution. If we concentrate our efforts on the small things the big things will happen. Our example shows where our values are. Remember respect, justice and goodwill towards others is the key to happiness
Boys and Girls Homes:
District 31L Boys and Girls Home Chairman Brittney, represented the Lions of District L at the ribbon cutting ceremony and official re-opening of the Lions Cottage at the Boys and Girls Home of North Carolina. Lion Brittney shared the precious gift that the lions and community members have given to the eight teenage boys who call the Lions Cottage home.
Prior to the renovations, the boys had seen the other cottages on the campus. They thought that they were considered the “poor” ones and felt that their cottage was like a prison cell. The boys were overjoyed at the reveal and are ecstatic about moving back into the cottage. They could not stop smiling and were moved to tears. As the lions toured the renovations as the boys explored their new home, there were many shrills of excitement along the lines of.... ‘Guys, come here. You’ve got to see this!’
A former resident of the home recently shared upon learning of the Lions Cottage renovations, “That was the first cottage I stayed in when I came to the boys home, a scary place until I got used to the regime and the way things were done on a daily basis. Great place to grow up and learn to be a man! “
Did you know that one of the committees as established by the Multiple District 31 constitution to be held on a state and district level is “Boys and Girls Homes”? This area of focus is in alignment with Lions Club’s International’s global cause of youth and this focus as applied in the state of NC is not only to the Boys and Girls Home of NC? Lions does have an official partnership with the Boys and Girls Home of NC but this is not the only home which the lions of NC support. The Lions also have a Lions Cottage at the Eliada Homes for Children in Asheville. One children’s home in NC that is in need of support in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene is Black Mountain Home for Children, located less than 1.5 miles from our McCune Community.
There’s a leader inside every Lion.
And leaders know that, through collective action and individual commitment, we can inspire and empower whole communities. Make them healthier and stronger than ever before. And making our mark in the process.
As leaders, we unite people through our clubs, and in our mission of service. We foster collaborations so we can do what others say can’t be done. We embrace innovation so we can bring our bold service vision to life. We give caring people the chance to serve with us so they can lead with us as Lions. And with every new member we bring, we make our mark on the future of service.
Together, we reach out to the people who need us. We amplify voices that would otherwise go unheard. We change lives in ways that only Lions can. And with every life we touch, with every community we service, we make a mark that will endure, and will never be forgotten.
Fabrício Oliveira, Lions International President
of Catolé do Rocha Lions Club
Catolé do Rocha, Paraiba, Brazil
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